Invite (5 to Thrive)

Extend God’s invitation of thriving in Christ to others


Pray: Choose one or more people in your life who aren’t connected with church, aren’t walking with God, or don’t know Jesus. Pray earnestly and consistently for their salvation, pray for God to give you opportunities with them and give you his heart for them. Don’t give up.


Invite: Sometimes people need to belong before they come to believe. Invite someone to come along with you to Sunday worship, to Wednesday prayer service, to watch online, to serve together – or Invite them to pray with you, to get coffee and talk about life, to share their story, to share their questions, their doubts, their struggles with church. Be a Christlike friend, neighbor, and witness. 


Listen: Seek to understand the culture and worldviews around you. What are the values, the questions, the longings and struggles of the people you want to reach? 


Share: Understand for yourself what the Good News really is, learn to be able to explain in your own words and experiences the message of Scripture so you can share the reason for your hope when the opportunity comes (1 Peter 3:15)


3 Story Evangelism: Listen to their story, share your story, and connect them with God’s Story
