Give & Serve (5 to Thrive)

Commit your time, talents, and treasures to God for the sake of his people and the world he loves


Financially Support the Mission of the Church: Step toward tithing (start with a small, consistent amount, less than 10% of your income), step into tithing (10% of your income), or step beyond tithing (above 10% of your income).  Click here to learn more about online giving or request offering envelopes from the Church Office.  


Serve: There are so many ways to use your gifts, passions, and skills to serve God’s mission inside and outside the church. We’d love to help you! Reach out to the church office to talk about ways you can get involved!  


DiscipleMakers: a 4-month summer leadership journey to help you grow as a disciple maker and discover your unique role in God’s mission.
